Wednesday 30 June 2010

My first exhibition!

It's not too late to go check out I And The Warrior, which ends on Sunday, but on Saturday I'm going to be showing and selling a different range of goodies at The Affordable Art Fair.

Friday 25 June 2010


I've been terribly rude. My name's Ni, and these are my pendants.

It started when a friend mentioned that she went Geocaching, and I asked if she'd like me to make some little trinkets. She decided that she'd rather not give away something I made especially, so I made her this ivy leaf. It's all rather snowballed from there.

If you've got a favourite pendant of mine, let me know- I'm a sort of big ginger praise-sponge.

Thursday 24 June 2010

There's a definite pink tint on what should be plain white paper. At this point I can't work out if I'm using a rubbish camera (it is, after all, my little red mobile phone)or if it's the lighting in my living room.

This heart is a request made by a friend, so is already spoken for.

Here's the first in a series of test photos I took showing the pendants I've made so far. This half-slice of orange is available, and is a rather more orange colour than the photo shows.